Friday, January 8, 2016

The Idea #2


1. Become a learner:

     If you know how to learn, you're a better teacher. But you probably already know that the greater your understanding of something, the more capable you are to teach. It is also important to continually learn how to improve your teaching methods. Learn as you teach!

2. Understand your student:

     Teaching is about understanding the learner as much as it is about understanding the subject. You must know what the learner is ready to receive. Have you ever been bored in class because nothing "new" was being taught? Maybe frustrated because something is being taught beyond your understanding? Progress will only be made at the capacity of the learner.

3. Use effective questions:

     Know how to ask a good question. Do not ask questions that either intimidate or mock the learner (i.e. too hard or too easy). Questions should be thoughtfully formulated and clearly presented so the learner understands the question exactly and is allowed to stretch mentally.

4. Appreciate silence:

     Don't be afraid of silence. After asking a question allow time for thoughtful answers. Give time for the learner to ponder and review what has been taught. To much information all at once can overwhelm and be counterproductive.

5. Encourage learning:

     Whether they realize it or not everyone wants to learn. But learning should be engaging, otherwise learning becomes tedious. Don't just lecture. Ask direct questions and welcome comments, questions, and feedback. Use visual aids, jokes, and technology to aid the learning process. Incorrectly answered questions are opportunity for considerate correction and encouragement.

"The trick to education is to teach in such a way that people only find out they're learning when it's too late!"

- Harold Edgerton